Variety & choice with our 8 new properties ?️

We have listed eight new properties, & we offer buyers an exclusive opportunity to view these homes now, before they join the competitive open market.

We’re showcasing eight new properties this week: seven two bedrooms, and a one bedroom apartment. Diverse in both their features and price points, we’re pleased to bring you variety and choice in a market that has limited stock. 

With 7 of the 8 properties we’re launching to be offered off market for the first time, buyers have an exclusive opportunity to view these homes now, before they join the competitive open market.

Buyers who may be waiting for the market to cool risk missing out on the value still available now, as the rate of new listings remains unable to keep pace with sales, according to ANZ.

The bank recently announced their revised forecast for 2021 - the highest one this year - reporting price growth is set to reach 17% nationally by December, led by Sydney which is predicted to hit peaks of 19%. The news is promising as unit prices have already risen 2.1% this year, pushing the Sydney unit median to $755,360. 

Wentworth Point’s Peninsula Working Group have released Billbergia and City Freeholds concept plans for the suburb’s future foreshore promenade. The attractive waterside space will feature an amphitheatre style seating area with water fountains, retail and dining precinct, outdoor cinema, skate park, and native foliage.

View the illustrated impressions of what the promenade development will look like here, and here.

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