How stressful is selling a property?

How stressful is selling a property?

According to you, very - and that is a reasonable sentiment. After all, selling your home is a significant step, and one that can be a long and uncertain process, especially if you need to sell quickly.

A recent survey of 1,058 Aussies who’d already been on the selling journey, or were planning to start it, provided insight on the thinking, decision making and general sentiment around the selling process. 

The results were interesting, with over half of the respondents agreeing that selling property is one of the most stressful life experiences, and that a significant part of this stress is choosing the right real estate agent for the job.



This tells us that not only is selling your home a huge step that requires expert guidance and reassurance, but that sellers truly value the role and expertise of real estate agents and what they can bring to the table during such an emotionally charged and taxing time.

In spite of some inevitable unknowns, we believe that selling your home can and should be a memorable experience that you feel equipped and empowered throughout. 


Here are our top tips on how to minimise the stress of putting your home on the market.

1. Invest in an experienced agent with the market knowledge to match

Atop the list has to be selecting the right agent, and the most effective way of reducing seller anxiety is to have a partner in property who you know can achieve the best result for you.

This means choosing an agent with local expertise and strong market knowledge who is able to communicate clearly and simply about exactly how they’ll help you meet your property goals.

Results matter, so read up on reviews from other sellers who have worked with your agent before, and what they have to say about the experience - if many are positive, it’s likely you’re heading down the right path.


2. Know what to expect

You don’t need to become an overnight expert in property sales, but knowing what you want from an agent and what to expect throughout the sales process will help you to hit the ground running with confidence and calmness once you’re ready to make your decision on who you choose to sell your home.

Compile a list of important questions you want answered, and meet with your potential agent before you make a decision. Knowing your agent has a superior understanding of the real estate market in your area and beyond provides an additional layer of support and reassurance will make you instantly feel more relaxed, knowing you’re leaving the heavy lifting to a property professional with the experience and skills to market your house properly, negotiate with strategy, and help make the process as smooth as can be.

A knowledgeable agent will have also done the research, and be able to share it with you, informing you of important things like what state the current market is in, and what your comparable competition is like, as well as what other homes in your area are selling for, and identifying which features of your home are unique selling points.


3. Lean on your agent’s expertise and network

A great agent will be able to look at your home and instantly recommend what can be done to improve it. They’ll also have a network of professionals and tradespeople ready to transform your home into its most presentable state, and organise this for you so the most you need to do is say, “sure”. 

Professional cleaners, stylists, and tradespeople are assets to any sales preparation, presenting your home in its best light both figuratively and literally! They can help simplify the preparation by fixing, freshening, decluttering and depersonalising - so your home will be sparkling, stylish, and in immaculate condition when a potential buyer comes along.

You can manage some of the easier tasks yourself, but for bigger jobs, it is worth having an expert take the reigns - so you can sit back, relax, and divert some of your energy elsewhere.


We want to change the perception that selling a home is stressful, and truly believe it doesn’t have to be. The agents at Chidiac understand the emotional weight of selling, and have the expertise, market knowledge, and finer skills needed to achieve your sales goals.

We’ll guide you through each step of the selling process in a way that ensures you feel completely empowered, understood, and confident that you’ll see the best result for your home.

Superior results speak for themselves. Check out our Google reviews, here.

Contact us to chat about your selling plans, in the form below.


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